Gut Feeling He’s Cheating No Proof? 16 Signs to Be Aware of

We have all had a gut feeling about being cheated, whether it was real or an episode of overthinking. This happens because people can easily sense sudden changes in their partner’s behavior. Hence, you may have suspicions because your boyfriend or husband doesn’t seem to show affection the same way. It could also be due to your low self-esteem, unhealed trauma, or trust issues. No matter what your reasons might be, you must know where and what to look for when your gut says that he is cheating.

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Spokeo is a people look-up tool that can help you find details about a person, such as phone number, email, address, and username. It could find numerous details about several individuals, such as their full name, age, occupation, social media, current and past address, and more.

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According to the General Society Survey, men are 7% more likely to cheat than women. The survey also states that 20% of married men admitted to cheating. Hence, to help you figure out whether your partner is loyal, I have curated a list of helpful indicators.

Key Takeaway

Several signs indicate that your gut feeling is right. He may suddenly seem distant, hide things, gaslight and criticize you, or even show extra affection so that you do not suspect anything. You can use third-party spy apps like mSpy to find out if he is cheating. If your gut feeling ends up being real, confronting him with maturity is the best way to approach it. Your self-care, such as therapy, should be the main priority while making the final decision.


16 Reasons You Have A Gut Feeling He’s Cheating But No Proof

Here are 16 signs you can look for to determine if he is cheating on you. I must also warn you that not every sign on this list may occur because of an affair. Some of these signs could also be due to inner turmoil, an external trigger, or random unintentional behavior. However, you can observe them closely, look for additional solid signs, and investigate deeper to find the truth.

1) He Is Suddenly Distant

If your partner cheats on you, there might be changes in their behavior, such as being emotionally distant. Unlike before, you will see that they are no longer there for you when you need them or keep secrets.

When a person is cheating, their mind is preoccupied. Hence, you will also feel the lack of communication in your relationship. Communicating is one thing I value a lot in a relationship; after all, it helps us share our problems, get to know each other better, and eliminate misunderstandings. Thus, when the communication dies down, it could mean that your partner is enjoying their conversation elsewhere.

2) Lack of Affection and Intimacy

Your husband or boyfriend may usually be very loving in their own way. However, if you see that he has become less affectionate towards you and keeps ignoring your feelings, they could be paying attention to someone else.

Lack of Affection and Intimacy

You will also see that you guys no longer get intimate as often, which could mean his needs are being fulfilled elsewhere. If it is not related to work stress or other issues, I suggest you find out the truth.

3) Change in His Social Circle

If they are hanging out with new friends for no apparent reason, it could mean that he is having an affair. You will also notice that he is talking about his new friends more than his existing ones.

Men love their boys’ night/day out, so if he is skipping on his friends and going to other parties without you, there must be someone else. It is safe to assume that the other person he is seeing has introduced him to her/his friends.

4) Sudden Changes in His Schedule

If you suspect him of cheating, I suggest you pay attention to his recent schedule. Unless he has some solid proof of why he works late frequently, your gut feeling could be right. People often give an excuse to speak about extra workload when they cheat since it sounds legit.

The sudden change in his schedule may not be only about working late. He might also take sudden work trips, or his friend that you have never heard of might have an emergency, etc.

5) Often Criticizes You and is Annoyed with You

Fights and arguments are normal in a relationship to an extent. However, if your partner criticizes you often unnecessarily regarding your looks, makeup, outfit, or behavior, then you must trust your gut feeling.

When a person starts to develop an interest elsewhere, they begin to find their partner boring or annoying. Therefore, he may also start an argument over petty things or get annoyed with any little thing you do or say.

6) Accuses You of Cheating Instead

Sometimes, you may see that when you bring up an issue, he may accuse you of cheating. It could be due to his own guilt that he is projecting onto you. Accusing you of cheating instead of accepting his fault also makes him feel better and allows him to justify his behavior. Hence, you could suddenly be accused of having an affair without any reason.

7) Begins to Take Care of His Appearance More

We like to look our best in a new romantic relationship. Therefore, if your partner is grooming themselves more often, for example, dressing up better, taking care of his hair and skin, etc., he might be seeing someone new. You may also see them using more cologne, joining a gym, and being extra hygienic.

8) Suddenly Overprotective of His Phone

Unless he is hiding something from you, there is no reason to get overprotective of his devices. You will notice that he always takes his gadgets with him, even inside the house. I’d suggest you check if he has suddenly changed the passwords of his devices and social media accounts that you used to have access to.

He may also receive late-night texts and calls and cover them up with several excuses. I do not suggest checking someone’s phone behind their back; however, dire situations may call for this method.

9) He has Erratic Schedules

If he is cheating on you, he will suddenly have random schedules that do not align with his daily routine or hobbies. He may tell you that he is hanging out with his friends more often, or he could make random plans on weekends without you.

This one time, a friend of mine caught her husband when he suddenly mentioned that he was joining a golf club. But when she asked my colleague from the same club about her husband, he told her that he had never seen him there.

10) He is Secretive About His Social Media

He might not hesitate to show you the texts in the regular SMS app or the names in the call logs. However, he may accuse you of being paranoid or having trust issues regarding his social media.

Your partner may also discourage you from sharing your couple’s pictures on social media or not resharing your tags like before. Another scenario could be that he is now using other social media apps or new accounts that you are unaware of. Hence, I suggest you observe if he is spending a lot of time on his phone.

11) Disables Location Sharing

Partners usually share their Uber rides for safety or send location information when they go out. If this is a normal routine in your relationship, but he suddenly stops doing it or simply disables the location sharing, then your instincts might be right.

In this case, they might end up giving lame excuses, such as their battery running out, they forgot even after you reminded them, etc.

12) Blames, Gaslights, and is Defensive

When you try to confront them, you will notice that they shift the blame on you for having trust issues. Your partner could also make you think that your own thoughts are irrational by gaslighting you.

Blames, Gaslights, and is Defensive

I have also noticed how defensive a person gets when lying. Therefore, I suggest you note these three things when you confront them about their odd behavior.

13) Has a New Hobby

I recommend you check if he has taken up a new hobby, which is very unlike him. You must also find out who he hangs out with when he spends time on these hobbies.

His new hobby could be something that his affair has introduced him to. It could also mean he is trying to be liked more by his side piece by getting into this new interest.

14) His Friends Behave Weirdly Around You

I would say one of the most slept-on signs is failing to look at his friends’ behavior. He might still buy you flowers or take you on dates, but that doesn’t mean he is not cheating.

See if his friends are behaving weirdly around you like they are hiding something or are no longer very open with you. There is a possibility that they are also covering his tracks or are scared that you are already onto it.

15) Overall Odd Behavior

Check his bank statements, he may be buying gifts, going to restaurants, or spending on staycations you do not know of. He may also become overly loving and caring towards you, such as suddenly sending you flowers on regular days, being romantic out of the blue, etc. Which is a sign that he either feels guilty or is keeping you happy so you do not question him.

Additionally, you will see that he is very attentive to your schedule, so he knows what and when to plan so that he can safely cheat. At times, in conversations, you may even hear the name of a woman you have never been introduced to before.

16) Your Friend has Seen Him with Someone

You might not know of his secret meetups, but your gut feelings say something is wrong. Thus, if your friend sees him with someone and informs you, I suggest you take their word for it and get complete details, such as what he was wearing, the time, etc.

This will help you verify the details against his story when you confront him. I would suggest you not accuse him immediately but leave some room for doubt so that you do not blame him without a solid reason.

How to Know He is Cheating Using Third-party Tools

mSpy and Spokeo are some of the best tools that I found while reviewing third-party tools for tracking people.

1) Spokeo

Spokeo is a people look-up tool that can help you find details about a person, such as phone number, email, address, and username. I could find numerous details about several individuals, such as their full name, age, occupation, social media, current and past address, and more.

You can use it to find your partner’s other social media accounts, phone numbers, and email addresses. It can also be used to look up phone numbers on his phone and usernames from his social media accounts.


Here are the steps that I used to look up people using Spokeo:

Step 1) Visit the Spokeo website and select any of the search parameters you have information about. Here, I have selected an email address since I wanted to find out who has been sending random emails to my partner.

Step 2) Once you put the number on its search bar, click on “Search Now”.


Step 3) After the search is complete, you can click on “Unlock Full Results”. Then go to Continue to pay $0.95 to download a one-time report.


You may also get a basic report for free in case of a Name and Username search. I suggest you select the one-time report to try it out before committing to a monthly subscription.

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7-Days Trial for $0.95

2) mSpy

mSpy is one of the most widely used phone spying apps I have encountered. It functions discreetly in the target person’s phone and provides you with all the details.

When I used it, I could access all text messages on all apps, call logs, phone gallery, device location, and more. It also includes a call recording feature, screenshot capability, and keylogger. Thus, your cheating partner will be caught in no time with the help of mSpy.


Here is a step-by-step demonstration of how to use mSpy:

Step 1) Visit the mSpy website and go to “Try Now”. Make a purchase and install it on both your and his devices. I have selected Android OS for the demonstration.


Step 2) Once installed, you can log in, go to your dashboard, and allow the data to synchronize, which may take around 15 minutes.


Step 3) After the tool syncs the data in your device, you can start monitoring all of their phone activities in real-time. Here is an image of Facebook Messenger tracked by mSpy.


If you and your partner are using iOS, you will need only their iCloud credentials and one-time physical access to accept the 2-factor authentication. To use the premium features, you will have to jailbreak the device.

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14-Days Money-Back Guarantee

What do You do When You Find Out He is Cheating?

When you are sure that he is cheating on you, here are some of the pointers that you can follow:

  • Strong evidence: Gather evidence against him to show you know what he is doing behind your back.
  • Let them talk: No matter how sure you are, you must listen to tell their side of the story. Who knows you have got it all wrong and they have proof to show you that they are not cheating.
  • Avoid violence: At no cost, I suggest verbal or physical violence. Yes, you can be angry and still have a mature discussion, so you can take it out by at least confronting him and putting all your points down.
  • Never involve kids: If you have kids, I recommend keeping them away from your fights and the rest of the mess.
  • Put self-care first: Finding out that your partner is cheating can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Lauren Korshak, a licensed marriage and family therapist, suggests you indulge in self-care and enlist social support.
  • Couple Counselling: If you mutually agree that your relationship can be saved, then I’d suggest you go for couple counseling. Ensure your partner is ready to cut off the third person entirely if you give your relationship a second chance.
  • Decide best option: This is the time to make tough decisions. Therefore, it will involve making mature decisions that are best for you, him, and the kids, Hence, decide on the least problematic scenario which will also be healthy for the family.

How to Cope When You Suspect Infidelity Without Proof

  • Self-reflection: Suspecting your partner is not always about having evidence. It could also be anxiety or past relationship trauma that has led to continuously doubting your partner.
  • Seek Therapy: Counselling is the best way to tackle unhealed trauma that could lead to self-sabotage. I’d suggest you seek help from experts and therapy specialist organizations like Regain Us. They offer counselling for trauma, self-esteem, anxiety, stress, dating, couples, etc.
  • Evaluate evidence: You must evaluate your evidence thoroughly to see if it is solid proof or speculation. Many quizzes are also available online to support your thoughts; however, quizzes may also increase your overthinking.
  • Communicate: Be honest about your feelings and confront your partner. Tell them what is bothering you and listen to what they have to say about it. Communication is usually the best way to put your thoughts at rest.
  • Avoid rash decisions: Do not make decisions based on your anger, fear, and feelings alone. Stay rational and confront your partner because you never know what is actually happening.
  • Add some spark: Your relationship may be dull, but that doesn’t signify cheating all the time. If a relationship reaches a comfortable zone, it can begin to feel monotonous. Therefore, bring back the spark, such as planning date nights, surprises, or taking a holiday, etc.

A trustworthy, non-toxic partner will understand and provide reassurance through thorough communication.

Can My Gut Feeling be Wrong?

You might have always heard people saying, “trust your gut feeling”, it is true because intuition is powerful. You might have a reason or signs that led to this gut feeling.

However, it is subjective and supported by emotions, which may sometimes trick you into believing it. Therefore, you might be wrong, and it is best that you talk to your partner or find solid evidence to support your doubts.


You cannot entirely trust what your gut says; however, if it is a constant feeling, you must pay attention to the signs. The signs are like symptoms that can tell you what is happening within, even if it may not be visible on the surface. If you do catch them cheating, you must do what is best for you. Using third-party tools might help you catch them; however, confronting your partner maturely remains the best solution in such matters.