JSP Tutorial
JSP Tutorial
This JSP tutorial for beginners offers a detailed introduction to JavaServer Pages (JSP) and its various applications. It’s structured to help you learn JSP basics and advance to more complex topics, ensuring a solid understanding of the technology.
In this tutorial, you will learn JSP for beginners with examples.
What is JSP?
- Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology which is used to develop web pages by inserting Java code into the HTML pages by making special JSP tags. The JSP tags which allow java code to be included into it are <% —-java code—-%>.
- It can consist of either HTML or XML (combination of both is also possible) with JSP actions and commands.
- It can be used as HTML page, which can be used in forms and registration pages with the dynamic content into it.
- Dynamic content includes some fields like dropdown, checkboxes, etc. whose value will be fetched from the database.
- This can also be used to access JavaBeans objects.
- We can share information across pages using request and response objects.
- JSP can be used for separation of the view layer with the business logic in the web application.
Here is What We Cover in this JSP tutorial for Beginners
👉 Lesson 1 | JSP Life Cycle — Introduction, Phases, Methods |
👉 Lesson 2 | Run JSP Program — How to Run JSP Program on Jboss Server in Eclipse |
👉 Lesson 3 | JSP Elements — JSP Declaration, JSP Syntax, JSP Expression, JSP Comments |
👉 Lesson 4 | JSP Directives — Page, Include & Taglib Tutorial |
👉 Lesson 5 | JSP Implicit Objects — Complete Tutorial |
👉 Lesson 6 | JSP Standard Action Tags — include, useBean, forward, param |
👉 Lesson 7 | What is Expression Language (EL)? — JSP Expression Language (EL) Tutorial |
👉 Lesson 8 | Exception Handling in JSP — Try Catch |
👉 Lesson 9 | MVC Architecture in JSP — Learn with Example |
👉 Lesson 10 | JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) Tutorial — Core & Custom Tags Examples |
👉 Lesson 11 | JSP Action elements — client request, server response, HTTP status codes |
👉 Lesson 12 | Cookies in JSP — Learn with Example |
👉 Lesson 13 | JSP Filters — Web.xml Filter Mapping in JSP Servlet |
👉 Lesson 14 | JSP Date Handling — JSP Current Date and Time |
👉 Lesson 15 | JSP Database Connection — Select, Insert, Update & Delete Example |
👉 Lesson 16 | JSP Program Examples — Registration & Login Form |
👉 Lesson 17 | JSP File Upload — File Upload & File Download Program Examples |
👉 Lesson 18 | Debugging in JSP — Learn with Example |
👉 Lesson 19 | Servlet vs JSP — What’s the Difference? |
👉 Lesson 20 | JSP Interview Questions — Top 50 JSP Interview Questions & Answers |
👉 Lesson 21 | Spring Boot Interview Questions — Top 70 Spring Boot Interview Q & A |
👉 Lesson 22 | What is Maven? — Project Framework | Uses | Architecture Tutorial |
👉 Lesson 23 | Maven Interview Questions — Top 20 Maven Interview Questions & Answers |
Why to Learn JSP?
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a powerful technology for developing dynamic web applications. Here are some reasons why learning JSP can be beneficial:
- Efficient and Straightforward: JSP offers an efficient and more straightforward approach to coding dynamic web pages.
- Dynamic Web Content: JSP allows developers to create dynamic web content.
- Less Coding: Less coding is required in JSP as compared to Servlets.
- Access to Java API: JSP has access to the entire JAVA API.
- Tag Libraries: JSP provides a wide variety of pre-built tags and custom tags, which can be used to add functionality to web pages.
- Database Connection: It is easier to connect a website to a database and allows one to read or write data easily to the database.
- Platform Independence: JSP is platform-independent, making it a versatile choice for web development.
Why use JSP?
- In Java server pages JSP, the execution is much faster compared to other dynamic languages.
- It is much better than Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
- Java server pages JSP are always compiled before its processed by the server as it reduces the effort of the server to create process.
- Java server pages JSP are built over Java Servlets API. Hence, it has access to all Java APIs, even it has access to JNDI, JDBC EJB and other components of java.
- JSP are used in MVC architecture (which will be covered in MVC architecture topic) as view layer.
- The request is processed by a view layer which is JSP and then to servlet layer which is java servlet and then finally to a model layer class which interacts with the database.
- JSP is an important part of Java EE, which is a platform for enterprise level applications.
Advantages of JSP
- The advantage of JSP is that the programming language used is JAVA, which is a dynamic language and easily portable to other operating systems.
- It is very much convenient to modify the regular HTML. We can write the servlet code into the JSP.
- It is only intended for simple inclusions which can use form data and make connections.
- JSP can also include the database connections into it. It can contain all type of java objects.
- It is very easy to maintain
- Performance and scalability of JSP are very good because JSP allows embedding of dynamic elements in HTML pages.
- As it is built on Java technology, hence it is platform independent and not depending on any operating systems.
- Also, it includes the feature of multithreading of java into it.
- We can also make use of exception handling of java into JSP.
- It enables to separate presentation layer with the business logic layer in the web application.
- It is easy for developers to show as well as process the information.