How to find your Facebook URL (Link) for Profile, Pages, Groups
Sharing your Facebook profile, page, and group becomes easy when you have Facebook URL. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is also a link that takes you directly to your destination on the internet.
Facebook URLs can be useful when promoting a business or building a community on the platform. For instance, if you have a Facebook page for your business, sharing the URL with others can help you to attract new followers and customers. However, locating Facebook URLs do get tricky for some people. This tutorial will teach you how to find links to your Facebook profile, page, and group.
Method 1: How to find your Facebook Profile URL on the Computer
Here are the steps to find the Facebook URL of your profile using your pc:
Step 1) Log in to your Facebook profile.
Step 2) Click on your display picture at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 3) Select the profile with your name.
Step 4) Copy the URL in the address bar to your Facebook profile.
Using this method, you can easily get your Facebook URL and share it with anyone.
Check out the Instructions to Find the Facebook Profile URL of Any User on the Computer:
Step 1) Go to the Facebook homepage and then Click on the Search bar.
Step 2) Search for the user whose profile link you want. And Then select that person from the list.
Step 3) Get their profile URL from your browser’s address bar.
Method 2: Locate the Facebook Profile URL On Mobile App
Retrieving Facebook URL on mobile is as easy as getting it through the computer. Follow the steps to retrieve your Facebook profile link through the phone app:
Step 1) Open the Facebook app and log in.
Step 2) Hit on the Three lines at the top right side under the message icon.
Step 3) Select the profile with your name and picture.
Step 4) Tap on the Three dots next to the Edit profile button.
Step 5) At the bottom, in Your profile link section, you will see the URL.
Here is the Guide for Obtaining the Facebook Profile URL of Any User on Mobile:
Step 1) Hit the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the screen.
Step 2) Type the name and choose the targeted person from the list.
Step 3) Click on the Three dots and obtain the link.
Step 4) Click on the profile by tapping on Copy Link button.
Note: Do not use the Facebook URL link of someone’s profile for illegal purposes. It is against the privacy law to share others’ profiles.
Method 3: How to find the Facebook URL of the Business Page on a PC
Direct link to your Facebook business page enables you to promote it efficiently. Anyone can learn about your brand by just clicking on it. Facebook URL is the best way to increase reach and grow your customer base.
Apart from your page, you may also need the URL of someone else business. This section provides you with the methods to get the Facebook Business page URL using your computer’s browser.
Follow the instructions to find the Facebook Page URL Using PC:
Step 1) Hit on your profile picture in the upper right corner.
Step 2) Expand the list by clicking on See all profiles.
Step 3) Choose the page to which you want to get the link.
Step 4) Then click on the page’s profile image.
Step 5) First option in the drop-down will take you to the page’s profile.
Step 6) Using the mouse cursor, highlight the Facebook URL in the address bar and hit Ctrl+C.
Check out the Instructions to Get the Facebook Business Page URL of Anyone on a Computer:
Step 1) Enter the name of the page in the Search bar of Facebook.
Step 2) Choose the targeted page from the list.
Step 3) Copy the Link to the page from your browser’s address bar.
Method 4: Retrieve the Facebook Business Page URL Through Mobile App
Getting the URL for your Facebook Business Page through the mobile app is a convenient process. Unlike a laptop or computer, getting URLs on mobile is much more accessible.
Here is the Guide to find Facebook Business Page URL On your Phone:
Step 1) Open Facebook App on your phone.
Step 2) Tap on your Profile picture with three lines on the right side.
Step 3) Click on the down arrow next to your name and DP.
Step 4) Select the desired page if you have more than one.
Step 5) Go to its profile page by tapping on the picture and then the page’s name.
Step 6) Hit the 3-dots button and copy the link from the bottom.
Tip: Facebook allows you to customize your Business page URL. It is advised to change it, as it gives the vibe of a brand.
Here are the Steps to Obtain a Link to Any Facebook Business Page through the Application:
Step 1) Expand the Facebook App on any smartphone. And then Log in to your account.
Step 2) Tap on the search icon at the top next to the Message icon.
Step 3) Enter any Page’s name and open it.
Step 4) Here, hit the three dots button.
Step 5) And copy the link in next screen.
Method 5: Find Facebook Group URL Through Computer and Mobile App
Facebook groups are the best way to promote your business. It is free of cost marketing strategy to reach more clients. With Facebook groups, you bring together people with the same interests and share your services.
Creating a group related to your work is as valuable as it allows you to connect with people. It also lets you understand their problem and offer them a solution.
Here is how you can check out how to find Facebook Groups Link using Computer:
Step 1) Log in to Facebook on any browser.
Step 2) Put in the name of the group in the Search bar and hit enter.
Step 3) Select the correct option under the Groups section.
Step 4) Copy its direct link from the URL bar.
Here are the instructions to Discover URLs of Facebook Groups Using the Mobile App:
Step 1) Go to the Facebook app on your phone.
Step 2) Search the group after tapping on magnifying glass icon.
Step 3) Navigate to the Groups tab.
Step 4) Locate and select your group from the list.
Step 5) Hit on the arrow at the top right corner.
Step 6) Here, from multiple options. Tap on Copy Link to get Facebook Group URL.
Now that you know how to find the Facebook URL name of your group. You can quickly fetch it whenever you decide to share it or when someone requests it.