How to Make a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python with Code Example
Tic Tac Toe Game in Python is an interesting project you can try. It’s a cool and fun project of solving a challenge and can help you master basic concepts in Python. Creating a fun tic tac toe game helps you grow your skills.
You can use a good Python editor such as Pycharm or the command line interface.
How to play Tic Toc Game?
Tic tac toe game is a simple two-player game that anyone can play without needing a game board. It involves two players marking different cells until the game ends, in a win or tie is achieved.
Here’s how to play the tic tac toe game.
Step 1) The tic tac toe game begins with empty cells in a square grid. This is the tic tac toe board.
Step 2) Both players choose from two symbols, usually Xs or Os. You can use any other unique symbol in the game.
Step 3) The current player marks in turns by filling out the cells of the tic tac toe board until a player fills a winning combination. That is an entire row, column, or diagonal with the same sign.
Step 4) A game tie is also possible in case all cells are full with no apparent winner
Building the tic tac toe Python project requires a beginner-level understanding of Python programming language. It includes understanding “for” loops and iterations and what an if statement is used in Python.
You also need to have Python and a Python text editor installed on your computer to complete the tic-tac-toe Python project. As this is a beginner-level tic tac-toe game in Python, you’ll not need any Python library.
You may need some debugging skills in order to find solutions to bugs in your code and you should also have an adequate understanding of the game components.
Tic Tac Toe Python Algorithm
Follow these steps to create a tic tac toe game in Python programming language:
Step 1) Create the board to begin the tic tac toe game.
Step 2) Request the user to decide on the game board dimensions.
Step 3) Randomly choose the first player.
Step 4) Tic tac toe game starts.
Step 5) Players play by selecting an empty spot on the board.
Step 6) Fill the empty selected spot with the player’s sign.
Step 7) Determine if a player wins or gets a tie in the game using the game logic.
Step 8) Display the game board after every play if no player wins or gets a tie to the second player.
Step 9) Display a tie or win message, respectively.
Step 10) End the tic tac toe game with options to start a new game.
Full Python code for tic tac toe
# Guru99 # Code developed by # Guru99 tic-tac-toe game #Get input def getInput(prompt, cast=None, condition=None, errorMessage=None): while True: try: val = cast(input(prompt)) assert condition is None or condition(val) return val except: print(errorMessage or "Invalid input.") # Print the game board def printBoard(board): print() for row in board: print(*row) print() # Check if player won using the winning combinations def checkWin(board): # Check rows for row in range(len(board)): for col in range(len(board)-1): if board[row][col] == "_" or board[row][col+1] == "_" or board[row][col] != board[row][col+1]: break else: return True # Check column numbers for col in range(len(board)): for row in range(len(board)-1): if board[row][col] == "_" or board[row+1][col] == "_" or board[row][col] != board[row+1][col]: break else: return True # Check left diagonal for cell in range(len(board)-1): if board[cell][cell] == "_" or board[cell+1][cell+1] == "_" or board[cell][cell] != board[cell+1][cell+1]: break else: return True # Check right diagonal for cell in range(len(board)-1): emptyCell = board[cell][len(board)-cell-1] == "_" or board[cell+1][len(board)-cell-2] == "_" different = board[cell][len(board)-cell-1] != board[cell+1][len(board)-cell-2] if emptyCell or different: break else: return True # No win return False # Play tic tac toe game def play(): # Introduction print("------------\nN-DIMENSIONAL TIC TAC TOE game by guru \n------------") # Set up variables N = getInput(prompt="Guru99 says>>> Enter N, the dimensions of the board: ", cast=int, condition=lambda x: x >= 3, errorMessage="Invalid input. Please enter an integer greater than or equal to 3 as explained on") board = [['_'] * N for _ in range(N)] used = 0 turn = 0 # Play guru99 tic tac toe game in Python using while infinite loop while True: # Print guru99 tic tac toe game board printBoard(board) # Get user pick pick = getInput(prompt=f"Player {turn+1} - Pick location (row, col): ", cast=lambda line: tuple(map(int, line.split(" "))), condition=lambda pair: min(pair) >= 0 and max(pair) < N and board[pair[0]][pair[1]] == "_", errorMessage="Invalid input. Please enter a valid, unoccupied location as an integer pair.") # Populate location board[pick[0]][pick[1]] = "X" if turn == 0 else "O" used += 1 # Check for win #Guru99 tutorial if checkWin(board): printBoard(board) print(f"Game over, Player {turn+1} wins.") break # Check for tie elif used == N*N: printBoard(board) print("Game over. Players have tied the match.") print(" tic tac toe game ") break # If no win yet, update next user turn = (turn+1)%2 # Check for rematch playAgain = getInput(prompt="Play Guru99 tic tac toe_Game again? (y/n): ", cast=str, condition=lambda ans: ans.strip("\n").lower() in {"y", "n"}, errorMessage="Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.") if playAgain == 'n': # End the game print("\nGuru99 TicTacToe game ended.") return else: # Rematch play() # Main if __name__ == '__main__': play()
Tic Tac Toe Python Code output
Once you run the source code above, below is the expected output for a 3 X 3 tic tac toe board:
------------ N-DIMENSIONAL TIC TAC TOE game by guru ------------ Guru99 says>>> Enter N, the dimensions of the board: 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Player 1 - Pick location (row, col): 1 1 _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ Player 2 - Pick location (row, col): 0 1 _ O _ _ X _ _ _ _ Player 1 - Pick location (row, col): 1 2 _ O _ _ X X _ _ _ Player 2 - Pick location (row, col): 0 2 _ O O _ X X _ _ _ Player 1 - Pick location (row, col): 1 0 _ O O X X X _ _ _ Game over, Player 1 wins. Play Guru99 tic tac toe_Game again? (y/n):
Full Code Breakdown
Creating tic tac toe in Python is simple. Let’s dissect the different functions in bits to understand what’s going on for each line:
Printing the board
The Tic tac toe board is the main game display. In, Python display window is used to show the game board.
Here are the steps that help you to create a board for tic tac toe in Python:
Python code for Tic Tac Toe
def getInput(prompt, cast=None, condition=None, errorMessage=None): while True: try: val = cast(input(prompt)) assert condition is None or condition(val) return val except: print(errorMessage or "Invalid input.") # Print the board def printBoard(board): print() for row in board: print(*row) print() N = getInput(prompt="Guru99 says>>> Enter N, the dimensions of the board: ", cast=int, condition=lambda x: x >= 3, errorMessage="Invalid input. Please enter an integer greater than or equal to 3 as explained on") board = [['_'] * N for _ in range(N)] used = 0 turn = 0 printBoard(board)
Code output:
------------ N-DIMENSIONAL TIC TAC TOE game by guru ------------ Guru99 says>>> Enter N, the dimensions of the board: 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tic Tac Toe Game – winning arrangement
To check if any player won, we need to check the winning combinations across the rows, columns, and diagonals. If there is a winner, we need to show a winning message.
- For the row, the function takes every consecutive pair of columns and checks for a winning combination.
- The first player to fill the rows wins. The second player thus loses.
- If a pair of consecutive columns are the same, then it’s obvious that all elements within that row are the same.
- If two of them are different or the row contains an empty cell, there is still no winner.
- We then implement losing conditions and add a break. If any of these losing conditions are true, we did not have a winner in the checked row.
- The else statement gives a true return to show that there is a winner.
- The break breaks out of this loop to proceed to the next row.
For the columns, we repeat the same function as in rows. We check if a player won after each player chooses their place.
Diagonal row wins
For the left diagonal, the task becomes simpler. We’re always going to be comparing the cells in the diagonals. However, in case there is no winner, we can proceed to the next instruction.
Play game logic
This is the main game function. For this we can use variables that store information.
- The first variable is the board size stored in “N”. The game will get the board size after asking the user to enter a number.
- So, when you enter the value, it is processed.
- We also create an error message to show the players when any invalid number is typed.
- We can then create two variables that fill in an “X” or an “O” when a cell is filled.
- Then show the players the game board. After this, get the player’s input.
- The logic will then mark the selected cell as filled and check for a win or draw.
- If there is no winner, the game asks the next player to play. If there is a win or draw, the game can ask the users if they want a new game.
- Tic tac toe is a fun two-player game to play by placing a unique symbol in an empty board cell.
- Creating a tic tac toe game in Python requires a beginner-level understanding of Python, a text editor, and Python installed.
- The algorithm helps you systematically write the code in any language.
- To create the game, first, draw the board and write code to determine to win and losing arrangements an
- You can test the tic-tac-toe code in Python by playing it first.