How to Create Quotation: SAP VA21
It’s a sales document ,which informs the customer, that company will deliver a specific quantity of product at a specific time and at a specific price.
Quotation can be created after receipt of inquiry from customer or without inquiry.When quotation is created post receipt of inquiry from customer , two methods can be followed –
- Create quotation with reference to inquiry.
- Create quotation without reference to inquiry .
The following demonstration creates quotation with reference to inquiry. T-code for create Quotation : VA21
Steps to Create Quotation in SAP
Step 1)
- Enter T-code VA21 in Command field.
- Enter quotation type.
- Enter Sales Organization / Distribution channel / Division in organizational block.
- Select Create with references button .
Step 2)
- Enter Inquiry Number .
- Click on copy button.
- Enter Ship-To Party.
- Enter Po Number, if any.
- Enter Valid from and Valid to date (this is a date until which this quotation will be valid.)
- Enter Quantity of material.
Step 4) Click on save button .
A message “Quotation 20000076 has been saved ” will be displayed.