SAP CRM Organizational Management
Organization model in SAP CRM
- Organizational management is used for the mapping of the organizational structure of your company in the CRM organization model
- This enables you to:
- Map your sales, service and marketing structure in the CRM organization model
- characterize your organizational units by organizational and general attributes
- define rules to determine the responsible organizational unit
- Using organizational structure in business transaction enables the automatic specification of the organizational data
- It is also involved in the partner determination, for e.g. it supports the determination of employee responsible in a certain business transaction
- Use organizational management to:
- set up & maintain company’s organizational structure
- maintain positions & employee assignment as per your company’s structure
- assign specific attributes to the organizational units
- Following are the CRM application areas that uses organizational management:
- Business transaction: Responsible organizational units can be determined automatically by the system based on the data in transaction document
- Partner Processing: Partner Determination procedure used to determine parties involved can be based upon the organizational units involved in the business transaction
- Payment card processing: It can also be used for the automatic determination of organizational unit responsible for clearing
- Tax processing: Business place determination during tax processing can be based upon the organizational management
- This application can be found through various roles like SALESPRO, SERVICEPRO, etc.
- Following is the view for the Organizational Model search:
- “Root Organizational Unit” button can be used to create an Organizational Model
- For example, following is the organization hierarchy:
Organizational Unit
Here, we can see the data relevant for selected Org Unit / Position:
- Row (Org Unit or Position) selected
- General Data:
- Hierarchy Path:
- It shows the path of current Org Unit / Position
- It is blank in case of the Root Organization Unit
- Description:
- Short description of the Org Unit / Position
- Code:
- This can be considered as a Key for selected Org Unit / Position
- Hierarchy Path:
- Address: This is the Main Address of the selected Org Unit / Position
- Functions: This block represents the function of the Org Unit / Position in the organization structure and accordingly it is considered as Sale Org or Service Org or Marketing Org
- Allow Org. Unit to be Determined: This check makes the current Org Unit available to be used in the org determination
- Validity: This area shows the validity of current Org Unit
- Validity: Validity of Position is maintained in this area along with the validity of corresponding Org Unit in above block
- Belongs To:
- This data is based upon above level Org Unit
- Using data from above level Org Unit, this block shows functionality to which current Org Unit belongs
- Attributes
- In this assignment block we assign values for certain predefined attributes
- These attributes are grouped as Sales, Service & Marketing attributes
- Under an Org Unit, we can create more Org Units or we can create Positions
We maintain data related for the Position under these Org units
- Select a Position under an Org Unit
- Within the “Position Details” assignment block we can assign a business role
- This is the same role which we see on first log on to the CRM Web UI
- Thus all the Users or Employees assigned to this particular position will inherit the role (Sales Professional in above case) from the role assigned to the Position
- We can assign Users or Employees to the Positions created in a Org Model
Other data maintained for the Position:
- We can maintain validity for the position
- Also it inherits the validity from the Org Unit
- As highlighted in above screenshot, Functional Assignment as maintained for Organizational Unit also defines the business processes (Sales, Services or Marketing) where this process can be used. This functional assignment data is inherited from the higher level Org Unit and can be maintained further for the Position
Users or Employees
- To a position created in the Org Model, we can assign Users or Employees
- Select the Position to add more Users or Employees to the position
- To Assign an employee to the selected position, click the employee button
- A search window pop-ups , to look for an employee based on various criterion
Business Partner in the Org Model
Using the Personalization button in the Organization Unit assignment block we get additional columns in the view
- Using personalization button change the columns displayed
- Updated view shows the Business Partner in the Assignment Block
- So we can see the Business Partner number assigned to an Org Unit in the Org Model
- As business partners, we can have these Org Units involved in business transactions
- We can see these Organizations involved in a business transaction:
- It will be involved as a business partner. Thus we can find the involved organization within parties involved