9 MongoDB Alternatives (Open Source) in 2025

MongoDB is an open source NoSQL DBMS which uses a document-oriented database model. It supports various forms of data. However, in MongoDB data consumption is high due to de-normalization.

So, here, is a curated list of Top 9 MongoDB alternatives. This list includes commercial as well as open-source software with popular features and latest download link.

Best MongoDB Alternative: Top FREE Picks!

1) RethinkDB

RethinkDB is the open-source, scalable DBMS system. It helps you to makes real-time building apps dramatically easier. This DBMS tool offers a flexible query language, intuitive operations, monitoring APIs, and is easy to set up and learn.



  • This alternative to MongoDB helps you to build and scale real-time apps dramatically easier
  • You can build modern apps using your favorite web framework
  • You can also be paired with real time technologies like SignalR and Socket.io
  • Allows you to integrate the latest advances in database technology
  • Express relationships using joins, develop location-aware apps

Download link: https://www.rethinkdb.com/

2) OrientDB

OrientDB is an open source NoSQL multi-model database. It allows organizations to unlock the true power of graph databases without the need to deploy multiple systems to handle other data types. This MongoDB open source alternative helps you to increase performance and security while supporting scalability.



  • It is focused on Scalability and High Performance
  • Unified Multi-Model API – for quicker deployment
  • TinkerPop3 for the state of the fast and effective upgrades
  • Offers enhanced query planner and execute

Download link: https://orientdb.org/

3) CouchDB

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL data which is based on the common standard to offer web accessibility with a variety of devices. Data in CouchDB is stored in JSON format, and organized as key-value pairs.



  • It allows you to run a single logical database server on any number of servers or virtual machines
  • CouchDB tool also works best with external tools like HTTP proxy servers, load balancers
  • Authentication and Session Support
  • A multi-node CouchDB cluster allows you to save data redundantly

Download link: https://couchdb.apache.org/

4) ArangoDB

ArangoDB is a native multi-model DBMS system. It supports three data models with one database core and a unified query language AQL. Its query language is declarative which helps you to compare different data access patterns by using a single query.



  • This tool is designed as a native multi-model database which supports key/value, document and graph models
  • It can operate as a highly scalable database cluster for all data model
  • You can run distributed database in one datacenter and replicate it to another datacenter
  • Safeguard your data with best in class high-security features

Download link: https://www.arangodb.com/

5) PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a widely popular open source database management system. It is one of the best MongoDB competitors that provides support for both SQL for relational and JSON for non-relational queries.



  • Support for multi-version concurrency control
  • Provide support for client-server network architecture
  • Offers standby server and high availability
  • Object-oriented and ANSI-SQL2008 compatible

Download link: https://www.postgresql.org/

6) Apache Cassandra

The Apache Cassandra is an ideal choice for you if you want scalability and high availability without affecting its performance. This MongoDB alternative tool offers support for replicating across multiple datacenters.

Apache Cassandra


  • Data is replicated to multiple nodes to provide a fault-tolerance system
  • There are no network bottlenecks as every node in the cluster is sperate
  • Cassandra offers support for contracts and services from third parties.
  • Helps you to choose between synchronous or asynchronous replication for each update.

Download Link: http://cassandra.apache.org/

7) IBM Cloudant

IBM Cloudant is a distributed DBMS system and full management JSON document. It is one of the best MongoDB competitors which helps you to store web and mobile apps which allows you to maintain data access and availability at extreme scale.

IBM Cloudant


  • All instances are deployed on clusters which span across all zones
  • Synchronized and replicates readable & writable copies of data across multiple data centers
  • You can enhance your apps with the built-in key value, MapReduce, full-text search and geospatial querying
  • Helps you to leverage flexible JSON schema and powerful API that is compatible with Apache CouchDB

Download link: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/cloudant

8) DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a nonrelational database. This database system provides consistent latency and offers built-in security, and in-memory caching. DynamoDB is a serverless database which scales automatically and backs up your data for protection



  • Key-value and document data model support
  • Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator delivers fast read performance for your DynamoDB
  • DynamoDB integrates with AWS Lambda to provide triggers
  • DynamoDB offers secondary indexes which offer the flexibility to query on any attribute

Download link: https://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/

9) CockroachDB

CockroachDB is a distributed open source SQL database developed by Cockroach Labs. It is an open source project which was inspired by Google Spanner.



  • Scalable, distributed SQL system with ACID transactions
  • Ensure your scaling business-critical applications which are always available and correct
  • Offers support for containerized deployments
  • Multi-datacenter and multi-region deployments

Download link: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/


MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL DBMS which uses a document-oriented database model. It supports various forms of data. Instead of using tables and rows as in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents. Documents consist of key-value pairs which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB.

MongoDB uses a high volume of data due to de-normalization. Moreover, MongoDB has a strict schema with difficult modification, difficult scalability, lack of transaction support, high memory usage, less performance etc. issues which are hard to deal with.

Following are the best alternatives to MongoDB:

  • RethinkDB
  • JaguarDB
  • OrientDB
  • CouchDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Apache Cassandra
  • IBM Cloudant