Import module in Python with Examples
What are the modules in Python?
A module is a file with python code. The code can be in the form of variables, functions, or class defined. The filename becomes the module name.
For example, if your filename is, the module name will be guru99. With module functionality, you can break your code into different files instead of writing everything inside one file.
What is the Python import module?
A file is considered as a module in python. To use the module, you have to import it using the import keyword. The function or variables present inside the file can be used in another file by importing the module. This functionality is available in other languages, like typescript, JavaScript, java, ruby, etc.
How to create and import a module in Python?
Now we will create a module and import it in another file.
Here is the flow to create and import the module as shown in the screenshot:
Follow the steps given to create a module in python.
The folder structure used to test the code is as follows:
Step 1) Create a file and name it
Step 2) Inside create a function called display_message()
Def display_message(): return "Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!"
Step 3) Now create another file
Step 4) Inside import the file, as shown below:
import test
While importing, you don’t have to mention the but just the name of the file.
Step 5) Then you can call the function display_message() from inside, you need to make use of module_name.function_name.
For example test.display_message().
Import test print(test.display_message())
Step 6) When you execute, you will get the following Output:
Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!
Importing a Class in Python
Earlier, we have seen a simple module with a function. Here will create a class and refer the class inside another file.
The folder structure to test the code is as follows:
Create a file called with the following code:
Filename :
class Car: brand_name = "BMW" model = "Z4" manu_year = "2020" def __init__(self, brand_name, model, manu_year): self.brand_name = brand_name self.model = model self.manu_year = manu_year def car_details(self): print("Car brand is ", self.brand_name) print("Car model is ", self.model) print("Car manufacture year is ", self.manu_year) def get_Car_brand(self): print("Car brand is ", self.brand_name) def get_Car_model(self): print("Car model is ", self.model)
In the file , there are attributes brand_name, model and manu_year. The functions defined inside the class are car_details(), get_Car_brand(), get_Car_model().
Let us now use the file as a module in another file called
Filename :
import Car car_det = Car.Car("BMW","Z5", 2020) print(car_det.brand_name) print(car_det.car_details()) print(car_det.get_Car_brand()) print(car_det.get_Car_model())
BMW Car brand is BMW Car model is Z5 Car manufacture year is 2020 Car brand is BMW Car model is Z5
So we can access all the variables and functions from using Car module.
Using from to import module
You can import only a small part of the module i.e., only the required functions and variable names from the module instead of importing full code.
When you want only specific things to be imported, you can make use of “from” keyword to import what you want.
So the syntax is
from module import your function_name , variables,... etc.
The folder structure used to test the code is as follows:
In there are 2 functions as shown :
Filename :
defdisplay_message(): return "Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!" def display_message1(): return "All about Python!"
Now you want display_message() function. The function or variable that you are importing can be directly accessed as shown below:
File Name :
from test import display_message print(display_message())
Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!
Now if you happen to use the function display_message1() ,it will throw an error that the function is not defined as shown below:
from test import display_message print(display_message1())
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in <module> print(display_message1()) Name Error: name 'display_message1' is not defined
Importing everything from the module
Import allows you to import the full module by using import followed by module name, i.e., the filename or the library to be used.
Import module
Or by using
from module import *
The folder structure used to test the code is as follows:
Following are the code details inside
my_name = "Guru99" my_address = "Mumbai" defdisplay_message(): return "Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!" def display_message1(): return "All about Python!"
Using the import module
Using just import module name, to refer to the variables and functions inside the module, it has to prefix with module name.
Filename :
Import test print(test.display_message()) print(test.display_message1()) print(test.my_name) print(test.my_address)
The module name test is used to refer to the function and variables inside module test.
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Using import *
Let us see an example using import *. Using import *, the functions and variables are directly accessible, as shown in the example below:
from test import * print(display_message()) print(display_message1()) print(my_name) print(my_address)
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The dir( ) function
The dir() is a built-in-function in python. The dir() returns all the properties and methods, including the given object’s built-in properties.
So when dir() is used on the module, it will give you the variables, functions that are present inside the module.
Here is a working example of dir() on a module. We have a class called, let us import Car and assign to dir() to see the output.
The folder structure to test the code will be as follows:
test prop/
class Car: brand_name = "BMW" model = "Z4" manu_year = "2020" def __init__(self, brand_name, model, manu_year): self.brand_name = brand_name self.model = model self.manu_year = manu_year def car_details(self): print("Car brand is ", self.brand_name) print("Car model is ", self.model) print("Car manufacture year is ", self.manu_year) def get_Car_brand(self): print("Car brand is ", self.brand_name) def get_Car_model(self): print("Car model is ", self.model)
import Car class_contents = dir(Car) print(class_contents)
The output gives us the name of the class and all the functions defined in
You can also try using dir() on a built-in module available in Python. Let us try the same on json module as shown in the example below. It will display all the properties and methods available in json module.
Import json json_details = dir(json) print(json_details)
['JSONDecodeError', 'JSONDecoder', 'JSONEncoder', '__all__', '__author__', '__bu iltins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__pac kage__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_default_decoder', '_default_en coder', 'codecs', 'decoder', 'detect_encoding', 'dump', 'dumps', 'encoder', 'loa d', 'loads', 'scanner']
A package is a directory with all modules defined inside it. To make a Python interpreter treat it as a package, your directory should have the init.pyfile. The makes the directory as a package. Here is the layout of the package that we are going to work on.
The name of the package is my package. To start working with the package, create a directory called package/. Inside the directory, create an empty file called Create 3 more files,, and and define the functions as shown in the screenshot. Here are the details of, and
def mod1_func1(): print("Welcome to Module1 function1") def mod1_func2(): print("Welcome to Module1 function2") def mod1_func3(): print("Welcome to Module1 function3")
def mod2_func1(): print("Welcome to Module2 function1") def mod2_func2(): print("Welcome to Module2 function2") def mod2_func3(): print("Welcome to Module2 function3")
def mod3_func1(): print("Welcome to Module3 function1") def mod3_func2(): print("Welcome to Module3 function2") def mod3_func3(): print("Welcome to Module3 function3")
The packages ready for use. Now call the package inside any of your file as shown below
Here, the mypackage.module1 is imported and given an alias name as mod1. Similarly, you can use other modules and from my package.
import mypackage.module1 as mod1 print(mod1.mod1_func1()) print(mod1.mod1_func2()) print(mod1.mod1_func2())
Welcome to Module1 function1 None Welcome to Module1 function2 None Welcome to Module1 function2 None
We have just demonstrated the package with a simple module with functions inside it. As per your project, you can also package with have sub-packages. Sub-folders/ having modules with classes defined.
Python Module Search Path
During execution, when python comes across import module name, the interpreter tries to locate the module. It searches the module in the build-in module list. Later in all, the directories defined inside sys.path.
To sum up, the interpreter does the following search to locate the module:
- In your current directory.
- In in the build-in module list
- Inside the sys.path directories
You can get the details of sys.path by importing sys module and print the sys.path. It will give you the list of directories as shown below:
importsys print(sys.path)
['Python Latest\\task2', 'Users\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\ \Python37\\', 'Users\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\P ython37\\DLLs']
You can also modify the path and keep the directories as per your requirements.
Using module alias in the import
You can also convert the module name to a shorter form by giving an alias name to it. The alias can be done using the keyword.
import filename as alias name
The folder structure to test the code will be as follows:
Mod test/
Following is the code inside
my_name = "Guru99" my_address = "Mumbai" def display_message(): return "Welcome to Guru99 Tutorials!" def display_message1(): return "All about Python!"
Now will use an alias for in
Import test as t print(t.display_message()) print(t.display_message1()) print(t.my_name) print(t.my_address)
The alias that is used for test module is t . So the function and variables from can be referred using the alias t.
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Absolute and Relative Imports in Python
You now know how to import a file as a module inside another file. Let us now see how to manage the files available in folders. The files in the folders can be imported either by using absolute or relative imports.
Consider you have your project folder structure, as shown below:
The root folder is my project/. It has two subfolders package1 and package2.
The folder package1 has two modules, and
The folder package2 has one class, a sub-package subpkg with, and last
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc1.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc2.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc3.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc4.
Using Absolute Imports
For Absolute imports, you need to add the entire path of your module right from the project root folder.
Let us now see how to make use of absolute imports to refer to the functions present in each of the module.
To work with the functionmyfunc1, you will need to import as follows:
from package1.module1 import myfunc1 or from package1 import module1 module1.myfunc1()
To work with the function myfunc3 you will need to import as follows:
from package1.subpkg.module3 import myfunc3 or from package1.subpkg import module3 module3.myfunc3()
Advantages and Disadvantages of using absolute imports
Here are the advantages of using absolute imports:
- It becomes easy to trace back the modules for code check.
- Easy to use and very straightforward.
- If the project is moved to a different path, still the imports will remain the same.
Disadvantages of using absolute imports
Here, are disadvantages of using absolute imports:
- The import path can get very long in-case, the modules are nested, and if the name of the modules is lengthy.
Using Relative Imports
Considering the same folder structure mentioned below, we will see how to import the same using relative imports.
In relative import, the module to be imported is relative to the current location that is the location where the import statement is present.
In relative imports, you need to add a period (.) before the module name when importing using from.
It will be 2 periods (..) before the module name if the module is in the one level up from the current location.
Referring to the folder structure figure mentioned above, we have the following modules with their function, which we need to refer to.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc1.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc2.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc3.
- In, there is a functioncalledmyfunc4.
To work with the functionmyfunc1 you will need to import as follows:
from .module1 import myfunc1
To work with the function myfunc3, you will need to import as follows:
from .subpkg.module3 import myfunc3
Advantages of Relative Imports
- It is easy to work with relative imports.
- From the current location, the imports can be shortened in comparison to absolute imports.
Disadvantages of Relative Imports
- Using relative imports, it is difficult to trace back where the code resides
- Import in Python helps you to refer to the code, i.e., .functions/objects that are written in another file. It is also used to import python libraries/packages that are installed using pip(python package manager), and you need then to use in your code.
- Import functionality is available in other languages like typescript, JavaScript, java, ruby, etc.
- A module is python is the code written inside the file, for example ( Inside your file, you can have your variables, functions, or your class defined. The entire file becomes a module and can be imported inside another file to refer to the code.
- With module functionality, you can break your code into different files instead of writing everything inside one file. Later, using import, you can refer to the code inside the file you need.
- Python has its built-in modules, and also external libraries/packages installed using a python package manager (pip), e.g., pandas, NumPy, etc. are referred to as modules.
- You can import only a small part of the module, i.e., only the required functions and variable names from the module instead of importing full code.
- You can also convert the module name to a shorter form by giving an alias name to it. The alias can be done using the keyword.
- A package is a directory with all modules defined inside it. To make a Python interpreter treat it as a package, your directory should have the __init.pyfile. The makes the directory as a package. Here is the layout of the package that we are going to work on.
- During execution, when python comes across import module name, the interpreter tries to locate the module. It searches the module in the build-in module list. Later in all, the directories defined inside sys.path.
- For Absolute imports, you need to add the entire path of your module right from the project root folder.
- In relative import, the module to be imported is relative to the current location that is the location where the import statement is present.