Settlement of Internal Orders Tutorial: KO02 & KO88 in SAP

Internal Order Settlement Process in SAP

In this tutorial, we will learn Settlement of Internal Orders

Step 1) Enter Transaction Code KO02 in the SAP Command Field

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 2) In the next screen, Enter the Internal Order for which settlement is to be done

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 3) In the next screen, Select the Settlement Rule Button from the Application Toolbar

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 4) In the next screen, Enter the Following

  1. In the Category Column enter ‘CTR’ for cost center
  2. In the Settlement receiver Column enter the Cost Center in which the Order is to be settled
  3. In the percent column , Enter the percentage amount which is to be settled
  4. In the settlement type , Enter ‘PER’ for periodic settlement.

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 5) Press ‘Save’ button from the SAP Standard Toolbar to save the Settlement Rule and come back to the SAP Main menu .

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 6) Enter Transaction code KO88 in SAP Command Field

Internal Order Settlement Process

Step 7) In the next screen, Enter the Following entries and run the settlement

  1. Enter the Order for which the settlement rule is maintained
  2. Enter the Period for settlement
  3. Enter the Fiscal Year
  4. Uncheck the Test Run
  5. Press ‘Execute’ Button to run the settlement

Internal Order Settlement Process