Document Reversal FB08 in SAP: Step by Step Guide

This tutorial will take you through the steps to perform Document Reversal.

Steps to Reverse Document in SAP

Step 1) Enter Transaction code FB08 in the Command Field

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

Step 2) In the next screen, Enter the Following Data
  1. Enter the Document number of the Document to be reversed
  2. Enter Company code of the Document posting
  3. Enter the Fiscal Year for the Posting
  4. Enter the Reversal Code (Reason for Reversal)
  5. Enter the posting date
  6. Or Enter the posting period
  7. If Document has allotted a check for payment, Enter the reason code to void the check.

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

Step 3) Check the document by pressing ” Display before reversal”

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

Step 4) Check the document

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

Step 5) Move back to previous screen and then Press Save from the Standard toolbar

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

Step 6) Check the status bar for the reversal document number generated

Document Reversal FB08 in SAP

You have successfully done a document reversal.