Determine Pricing by Item Category in SAP: OVKO
Not all items are relevant for pricing. The standard requirement in pricing procedure checks if the item is relevant for pricing . If this switch in the item category is set to blank, then the line items will not be relevant for pricing.
An item category controls the overall behavior of an item. Item category describes below point-
- The item is pricing relevant or not.
- Is item relevant for delivery or not.
- Is item relevant for billing or not.
- Is it a free item, text item .
- It also help to determine the sales document type.
How to Determine Pricing by Item Category
Step 1)
- Enter Tcode OVKO in command field.
- Enter Pricing flag in pricing field.
Step 2) Enter Statistical value Blank, X, Y. Statistical Value flag control an item in the sales documents in three ways-
- Copy item to header totals.
- No cumulation – values cannot be used for statistical purposes (item value will not copied into header totals)
- No cumulation – values can be used for statistical purposes (item value will not copied into header totals)
Step 3) Click on Save Button.