How to Reverse a String in Java using Recursion

In this example program, we will reverse a string entered by a user.

We will create a function to reverse a string. Later we will call it recursively until all characters are reversed.




Write a Java Program to Reverse String

package com.guru99;
public class ReverseString {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String myStr = "Guru99";
		//create Method and pass and input parameter string 
		String reversed = reverseString(myStr);
		System.out.println("The reversed string is: " + reversed);
	//Method take string parameter and check string is empty or not
	public static String reverseString(String myStr)
		if (myStr.isEmpty()){
		 System.out.println("String in now Empty");	
		 return myStr;
		//Calling Function Recursively
		System.out.println("String to be passed in Recursive Function: "+myStr.substring(1));
		return reverseString(myStr.substring(1)) + myStr.charAt(0);

Code Output:

String to be passed in Recursive Function: uru99
String to be passed in Recursive Function: ru99
String to be passed in Recursive Function: u99
String to be passed in Recursive Function: 99
String to be passed in Recursive Function: 9
String to be passed in Recursive Function: 
String in now Empty
The reversed string is: 99uruG